Theme: The Caged Eye
Tagline: Free Them All
Title: Solidarity With Palestinians in Israeli Jails

About Us

ICPKL was first organized virtually in 2020, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. ICPKL 2.0 is the continuation of our International Conference on Palestine targeting international participants with emphasis on the Asia Pacific region. It is part of an annual conference jointly organized by a coalition of NGOs in the Asia Pacific Women Coalition for al-Quds and Palestine (ApWCQP), namely the Malaysian Women’s Coalition for al-Quds and Palestine (MWCQP), Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia Peduli al Aqsa (KPIPA) and Council for Humanitarian Networking of Sheikhul Islam Office, Thailand (CHNS).

Our Focus

ICPKL 2.0 focuses on Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, thousands of whom have been held under “administrative detention” without being charged or even told what crimes they are suspected of having committed. At the same time we will highlight the many ways Israel imprisons Palestine.

ICPKL 2.0 will also be raising funds to support 20 families of Palestinian prisoners for one year.

Brief Facts

Palestinian prisoners of Israel refer to Palestinians imprisoned in Israel within the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Cases of a prison sentence can be as minor as raising a Palestinian flag. Prison is a disturbingly common experience for Palestinians. About one-fifth of the population has at one time or another been imprisoned since the occupation more than seventy years ago.

Palestinian prisoners lived in appalling conditions and are subjected to harsh treatment. Human rights groups have documented various forms of physical and psychological abuse, arbitrary beatings, excessive use of solitary confinement, medical neglect, denial of family visitations, and many others.

As of April 2022, there were 4,450 Palestinians held in Israeli prisons. Of those 530 are held without charge or trial, 160 are children, 32 women, 549 are serving life sentences and 499 are serving sentences of more than 20 years.



To highlight the conditions of Palestinians in Israeli prisons and the many ways Israel imprisons Palestine


To raise funds for financial support of 20 Palestinian prisoners’ families for one year


To raise support for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement


Join our International Conference on Palestine 2023 in Kuala Lumpur!